Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Facebook will be distroyed on 5 November - Anonymous

The hacktivist group Anonymous plans to destroy facebook on 5 november. They had announced this by a video uploaded on YouTube in which they claimed to destroy social networking website faceabook which shares users data with government and law enforcement agencies.
The group  calls people to work with them by the message,"If you are a willing hacktivist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information then join the cause and kill Facebook for the sake of your own privacy."
After the launch of this video, the leader of Anonymous tweeted that the Operation facebook is fake. He wrote,"To Press: Medias of the world stop lying! #opFacebook is just another fke! we dont "Kill" The Messenger. That's not our style"

We can not say the truth about this claim but the tweet came after the launch of that video says that some one is trying to use anonymous name to spread false stories.. 

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