Saturday, June 4, 2011

Time to panic, or time to be practical?

I was standing on the soccer sidelines the other night talking to a parent who happens to be a doctor.  I asked his opinion about the swine flu "pandemic" and I found his answer encouraging. 
He said that on the whole, he does not expect there to be a pandemic but the planning must take place as if there would be as a matter of professional responsibility on the part of the medical community (kind of how HR folks like to create a lot of laws about progressive discipline and abuse of company property just in case it were to happen...).
He also said that most people - no guarantees here, mind you, but this is what he said - most people can protect themselves from the flu by washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water 3 or 4 times a day.  He emphasized thoroughly and soap and water because most people cut corners in this area.  You know it's true.  We've all seen co-workers in the restroom at work swishing their hands lightly under water sans soap before dashing back to their cubes.
Finally, he suggested that we not be shy about turning our face away if co-workers cough and sneeze in our general area.  Set an example that hygiene is important to you, and others will catch on. 
No panic - just good practical advice. 
Be encouraged, and be well!

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